Wedding Services

Every event has it own demands, hence we offer customized packages suited to your budget and convenience. We do initial budgeting with the clients according to the their choices.
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Decoration From theme to contemporary, we do it all. We undestand our client's choices and wishes, and bring their dream décor on the most special day of their life.
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Venue selection is one of the importatnt factors. Depending on the number of guests, client's choices and budget, we help them to find the most suitable wedding venues.
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Food & Catering Food is one of the most crucial segments of a successful wedding whether it is a grand one or an intimate one.Being associated with renouwned catering houses, we bring the lip smacking menus to the table.Quality and presentation are our prime focus.
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Wedding is an occasion which comes only once in lifetime. Our associated photographers don't just take great pictures but creates memory from those special moments of your wedding.
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Entertainment We add a unique dimension when it comes to entertainment in wedding. Our services involve :
1) Artists, Bands, DJ
2) Sound and Light - Production
3) Celebrity
4) Choreographers
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Bridal &
Party Makeup
Our associated make up artists create magic and bring out the glow and look, which every bride desires on her special day.
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Invitation A wedding invitation is the beginning of a successful wedding. From traditional designs to new age ones to modern digital invitation, our designers create customised designs according to client's choice.
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Hospitality We work as extended family of the couple family so that they can fully enjoy the celebration. Our key services :
1) Airport pickup & drops
2) Tieups with the hotels
3) Guest List management
4) Transport & Logistics
5) Guest reception
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We take care of the marriage registry specially for our NRI clients.
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Our experts are capable of making eye catching packaging with traditional to new age ideas.
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Rituals Rituals are very important in indian wedding and they are different from wedding to wedding in India where different castes and religions exist. Our experienced team take care of all the elements and rituals of an wedding.
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Zenith Eventz thanks each of the photography houses for capturing all the moments such beautifully

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