5 Points about invitation card

We are now living in the age of technology where internet and social apps have replaced the warmth with which we used to visit our dear ones for inviting them to our occasions.
Nonetheless, inviting someone in person still remains the best form of invitation and with that comes the invitation cards!
Here are five things about your invitation cards- from choosing to delivering:
- Design – Simple or elaborated, theme based or contemporary but your card represents you and so we suggest that you should leave a personal touch to make it look extra special.
- Portability - You need to go places to send across your invites. Choose accordingly so that your invitation process remains hassle-free.
- Content - Hire proof readers or become one but make sure that your card is devoid of spelling mistakes. The date of the event and venue should be clearly mentioned. Attach a mini-map along so that the guests find it easy and well-guided.
- Token of gift - If you are all set for a lavish wedding then start off with a lavish way of invitation. You can gift a box of dry fruits, sweets, chocolates or silver coins. Avoid gifting deities of Gods and Goddesses since religious beliefs vary from person to person.
- Name of the invitee - make sure you are spelling him or her correctly. Be precise if you are inviting an individual as a couple or along with the entire family.

And most importantly don’t forget to wear the most essential ornament while greeting - your beautiful smile!
Credit: Krittika Writes